05 March 2011


Today was not the best day. Today was a strange day.

There were lots of people today. It is ESPN weekends so we have lots and lots of people, and two nights ago they decided to put in a new operating system on our registers, and like all new Windows OSs, they crash all the time. Shoot me now.

So, today I was yelled at, scoffed at, hit on, pestered, praised profusely for being a genius, stared at with confusion, and talked to in a foreign language that I don't know why they expected me to understand. What even is this place?

Oh, and next week my online schedule says I don't work all week, but in the Communications room at work it says I am being freaking deployed somewhere. I don't know where. BW, wherever that is, and I'm freaking out. I have to get a new costume and go somewhere else and work for a week and what and weepzilopochtli.

I actually said weepzilopochtli today in front of my new friend Allie. Don't worry, she knows how "normal" I am. She actually just ignored it.

We like Allie. She is nice and she drives me home when we both close. No te procupes, Christine, she is not going to replace you. I know how you worry about these things. She has a boyfriend, so obviously she is nothing like me.


On the bright side, on the 15th I get to go on a behind the scenes tour of Expedition Everest before the park opens where we get to walk on the tracks and everything. I'm betting we probably get to ride it first too, as like, test dummies. That would be awesome. Well, it's going to be awesome.

Can you get high off of cough drops or something? Cause this guy, like our age, came in and bought two packs of cough drops, and then a couple hours later came back and bought the exact same two packs again. Why does he need four packs of cough drops, two of mint and two of cherry? Why, I ask you, why?

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