31 July 2013

Robin Year One: a comic book interpreted by me

This is my finished Robin Year One paper art project thing. I never had a good name for it, but It looks awesome in real life with all the layers, and it totally tells the story of their worries and Robin almost dying and it's pretty great.

I found as I was doing it that I had as much fun with the pieces I cut out as I did the parts I left in. It started small.

I mean, this guy's face is just amazing, so when I added the BLAM!s to his panel it was instantly better. Then I got more creative with the putting pieces together.

I honestly don't know, but it makes me laugh.

And then finally, I started making entire pages.

Ok so they don't all make a ton of sense

I particularly like the frame with the Darjeeling Tea

And that's how my day has been going so far, you know, once I came inside from being the outdoor person I am / am forced to be when things need painting and stuff.

Day 4

Ok so it might be 4 am or whatever but I was watching lame tv and cutting up a comic book.

Cold Case has odd songs play at the end for the sad wrap up and re-reveal of what the people looked like when the crime actually happened. Currently: Man in the Mirror.

At this point I think I've forgotten how to go to bed. You know how it gets so late that you consider being awake instead. oooo Angel is on. It's the strange time period though.

29 July 2013

Day 3

First of all, why is my dog bugging me? I fed her hours ago and she won't go outside and I told her, the parents are coming back next week, Jeez.

I'm watching Top Gear. I meant to leave the house today and get some things done so I could cross them off my list, but I stayed home, watched some YouTube, talked to my dog, drank a bottle of wine.

Tomorrow it won't be raining so I will totally leave the house and get things done. It didn't help that I slipped on the wet steps and hurt my tailbone first thing today. Yeah, tomorrow, painting, shopping, mowing, getting shit done.

I totally did things today too though, started on the dishes in the broken dishwasher. There isn't enough room in the dish drainer for all of them so I still have some to do, but hey I have plates now.

28 July 2013

Day 2

I'm quite upset I have to wait a whole week before shark week. Sure, yeah, there are other things to watch, but sharks man. 

also, cloudy night, not so many stars, I am disappoint

27 July 2013

Day 1

I am out of gin. 

*edit later

When I was recycling the bottle I offered my dog some gin and laughed maniacally because she couldn't have any because it was gone.

I am not drunk I swear.

The stars are fucking lovely.

23 July 2013

I still don't have a job

Job searching is the most depressing, and waiting after applying is the worst. Especially when, you know, I have no idea what I'm doing and what I want. Know what I'm passionate about? TV and movies and Internet culture. Know what kind of jobs are not local and I don't have qualifications for? Television, movies and Internet geekery. I've applied for some criminal justice and psychology related things that look interesting, but I feel like my qualifications are a stretch and I would only be their last resort. I'M DELIGHTFUL, YOU WANT TO HIRE ME, REALLY.

Office Depot has a glorious One Direction anti-bullying display thing. It was exciting. Christine, have you recovered?

20 July 2013

So, Insanity, Right?

I was sitting by the lake, staring at the water thinking about how I wish I was home but it was still pretty and trying to ignore the conversation, when I was dragged into the conversation and forced to pay attention.

First of all, no, I don't want to be set up with my great uncle's friend who goes to Eastern Michigan. Being single is FINE thank you very much grandpa.

Secondly, you know how on television they show insane people looking at a normal place and then they flash to a crazy perspective of what they see as a possibility, and then it goes back to normal? Yes, that is what I saw. I saw flashes of what our dinner would look like if I said what I was thinking, turns out silence is golden for peacekeeping.

How many worse things are there than being asked about your life and genuinely not knowing the answer? What do I want in a job? What kind of thing am I looking for? The only question that matters at all is why the hell has another year gone by where I have not been at SDCC, I mean seriously, how hard is it to get to San Diego for a week?

I haven't been doing a lot of writing because I get tired of writing after all the job applications and cover letters. They're just the worst.

Here, have a picture of me meeting Caroline Manzo and her family.