28 June 2011

At Williams Sonoma

This gadget wall made me think of Christine.

So, there's that.
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27 June 2011

Has anyone ever hung themselves on a palm tree?

Is that even possible?

Oh, and that is a picture of a snake 3 meters from my door.
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Ok so life, it sucks

I drove to the Grand Floridian today because I am deployed and was working at the Grand Floridian and I drove into a one way thing and then backed into an intersection and then I freaked out and then I parked and then I walked towards the Grand and asked a random chef person where the cast entrance was and then random chef person helped me find the Merchandise people and then I wore my hot jacket all day and had panic attacks and my legs hurt and life sucks.

I don't work Monday or Tuesday. I want to run away.

There were frogs. Lots of frogs. They sound really creepy when it's dark and you don't really know where you're walking. I'm pretty sure the frogs were saying my name. Creepers.

24 June 2011

See this picture of me?

See it?
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Thats me, I'm on a poster in the Polynesian

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23 June 2011

Is this going to work this time?

Last time blogger droid wouldn't update.

I'm at the Kennedy Space Center. Or space. Depending on who you talk to.
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20 June 2011


But I wrote the following while on the bus and waiting for it and stuff.

Work didn't completely suck.

New manager was working, so that was good. And I liked all the people I was working with in Bou Tiki and I don't work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, so I guess life is okay. Whatever.

We like new manager. He talks a lot. My favorite manager is leaving though and it makes me really sad, and then new manager will become my favorite manager and we'll have someone else come and be new manager. That makes sense, right?

The bus is super late. Busssssssssssss. Penguinnnnnnns.

I want to play mario kart. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get more wiimotes and/or nunchucks this year.

I feel like I should inform you that some advice Christine actually gave me today was to not make it my goal to end up in the hospital. I drank some water today, no te preocupes.

Where are your kids now? Know anytime with AT&T FamilyMap. ~ an ad on my blogger app. I want this for you guys. Wouldn't that be fun? "Cassiecassie is walking from the parking lot and Lisa is still in her apartment and Christine is sitting next to me..." I can see no end to the fun we would have.

I am hungry.

The bus never showed. It was probably named Rory and died. And now I'm on the next bus. At least this one was on time.

I'm not even kidding tho, my eyes are vampires.

I've tried to post this like 15 times. Sigh. Why is it not workinggggg?

I wrote a post

and it's not posting and I'm mad at blogger droid and why won't it post will this post? this should post this is on a computer

19 June 2011

In one hour I work

And then I don't work for four days, yay! And then I work some more, AND THEN I'M DEPLOYED TO FREAKING GRAND FLORIDIAN. I'm calm, I'm good, don't worry about me. They scheduled me as a stocker one day, the geniuses. I don't have access to their stock rooms and I know where absolutely nothing is. I'm scheduled in three of their stores and I'm not even sure which is where. Argh, no love for the Grand.
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17 June 2011

I would like some Buffalo Wild Wings

It's 4 in the morning and there are 4 other people on this bus and one had Buffalo Wild wings that smell very spicy and look yummy.

In better news, the bus driver today is a nice guy and is going to take me to the Polynesian. I mean, he's supposed to, but we all know how that works out.

A person on the bus, the not chicken guy, has a stuffed sheep, the one from the mattress commercials. Thought you ought to know.

Last 5 AM work day. We have a strange amount of things to do today. We're going to be rushing before the stores open and then we're going to have to slow down because we finished most all backstock and I don't want to go help the slackers at the Swan and Dolphin. As I told Betsy, if they can't even put stickers on things at a reasonable pace they need to reevaluate their life choices.

There's an ad on my blogger app that currently is telling me you can "Secretly Track Ur Lover!" Who do they think I need to track? Sarah's in Ireland, Christine's in Iowa or is not there anymore and hasn't told me... I need to track Christiiiiiine. Problem solved. I'm not creepy. Shh, just come.

Mormons think that God and Jesus both live on their own planets and when we die we get our own planet or something and it fascinates me and everything I am learning about Mormons is from the Broadway musical about it but you know what, Altar Boyz was helpful for Catholicism so I don't see why the Book of Mormon shouldn't continue the tradition of being really amusing while educational.

Ok, I'm going to go worry about whether this bus will stop at the right spot, see you later.
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16 June 2011


Well, kinda. I told the driver TTC, we skip it and go to Westclock, he's exasperated that I didn't tell him, I totes did, it's not my fault. I hate life.
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I'm Wearing A Batman T-Shirt

I bought it from the guys section at Target and it has Batman on it and no Mickey. Bwahahahaha.

Yesterday when I got home there was a guy setting up tents and there was a sign pointing to a queue that said pizza and I guess there was a party but I went to bed and at 3:40 this morning the tents were all gone and there were cars parked there like nothing had ever happened. I went to bed at like 6:30, woke up ay 8:44, said something to Christine and checked my email, went back to sleep, and then did that exact same thing at 12. And my roommate was just going to bed as I left and was all, I have to be up by 7, and I was all, I am up now. She was home at least by midnight I don't know why she didn't just go to bed. And now I'm on a bus.

We are super ahead at work. Yesterday we finished yesterday's list, today's backstock, and got started on tomorrow's backstock. I love Ana, she's in charge of us and if she was entirely truthful in her email updates to corporate we would've been sent to a different location on the days we get ahead because other places lose at life, but in her updates she's like, they're still working, so we get to stay and work ahead. Apparently Friday's list is a bitch so she thinks getting a head start on it will be necessary, also she doesn't want to drive us to another location. Also she is adorable.
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15 June 2011

All your base are belong to us

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The Bus Driver Didn't Even Ask Today

He's a different guy and he didn't ask where I was going. He should be going there anyway, but there are only 2 of us on the bus and the other girl is obviously Magic Kingdom and what if he DOESN'T? Panic.

It was raining at 11 this night and I woke up and was like, it better stop that before I have to walk to the bus stop. It did.

I think I went to bed at 8:30. Don't remember, but it was similar to then and I felt old.

WHAT WAY IS HE TAKING US? Bus driver, you better not be on crack.

Betsy wants to go to Hollywood Studios after work today so I might do that. Yesterday we ate food after work and then I went to Target and bought capris and two seasons of Get Smart and monster cookie ice cream and hand soap. (Sarah, I finally asked the pharmacy people where the hand soap would be. It was embarrassing.)

I didn't watch Pretty Little Liars yet because I went to bed.
And Christine skipped flute practice.

That's everything from yesterday.
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14 June 2011

Guys, guys, guys, I have an idea.

No guys, listen. Guys, guys, listen to me guys. Listen, guys listen, let's put wings, guys listen, wings, on the BACK legs.


In other news, I'm on a bus. Going to work. I may be slightly delirious, but that's ok because Betsy is also slightly insane and we work well together.

Pretty Little Liars comes back today! Woot woot!

Also, if I don't go to Target today will you kill me? Or at least, come here and yell at me. I would've gone yesterday but there were guys fixing our oven and then I made clams and then I passed out.

I hate the morning bus because they're always like, you guys going to Westclock? And I'm like, no, the TTC, and then I'm not sure he heard me and it makes me nervous the entire ride even though he's totes supposed to stop there anyway. There are only three of us on the bus this morning.
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13 June 2011

Yes, this is my dinner

Noodles, fried clams and Dr. Pepper. Om nom nom. Oven works now.
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On The Way To This Breakroom I Saw Sunlight

The sun burns my eyes and I don't appreciate it.

But I also saw these ducks and they're adorbs.
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This Bus Is Ridiculously Full For 4 AM

But over half of them are going home while I am going to work. My roommates haven't gone to bed yet so they were all, up and stuff while I was eating breakfast. I had chicken taquitos for breakfast because I have no milk.

58 days left! It sounds like a lot, but it's a lot less than before and it's less than 2 months now so it's super exciting.

I have a new housing ID that is green and it makes me sad because I had gotten used to my yellow one and in two months they're just going to steal this one, jerks.

WHERE IS THIS BUS GOING. We are taking a different route and it's scary. I'm never on a bus this early. I'm going to work so early that the Magic Kingdom people are still making their way home. I don't understand what life is.

And now everyone is getting off. One other person stayed on. Life makes me nervous. I am a neurotic basketcase. *flail*
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12 June 2011

I Don't Know Why I Do What I Do

I work at 5 AM tomorrow and for the rest of the week, so I should use my day off today to get the groceries I desperately need or something, but no, I'm going to EPCOT with Marlon and Betsy. I'm waiting for a bus now to go to Betsy's apartment and she's driving us I guess.

The bus is ridiculously early. I'm on it now.

I also need to go to Target and buy pants. You don't care, long story, but I do. And I'm not. My life as an adult: end up not doing things you need to because Disney.

My lunch today was a Klondike bar, a tortilla and a fun sized snickers from Easter. Yay food.
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10 June 2011

Past Mary, You Win Again.

I cannot read this word. What is it I needed? 3 Pirate somethings. Were they tops... hoops... treps... I have no clue what I was supposed to get.
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False Alarm Guys

See, we thought Australian boy might've gone home but turns out he's still here, I just hadn't seen him in awhile. He was all, standing, and I was all, walking past, and then I was all, oh good, he's still here. And then if he can read minds he would've been creeped out by my random relief.

I'm a stocker again today, yay! Amparo was supposed to be stocker, but she can't get into the stockrooms so we traded. Also, as you can see, there is this adorable Rapunzel doll and it's adorable. I can't format this to put the picture here because I am on my phone, I apologise. Relevant.gif
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08 June 2011

I got paid to walk in this pretty place

Though it was super hot, and I was carrying stuff to rooms and such, but still, pretty. Don't know if the picture shows, but over the lake is space mountain and Cinderella castle and water.
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05 June 2011

Eating Lunch Alone with R2D2

People are judging me.
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01 June 2011

Look at the Lovely Flowers

Don't they make you want to just punch someone in the face? Oh, is that just me?

So, I'm deployed next week to Animal Kingdom Lodge, but my friend Betsy saw that on the schedule and asked me if I wanted to trade with her since she has been deployed there as much as she has worked at the Polynesian. I put in the request and the days that I would've been giving to her were denied, and the days that are just trading shift for shift are pending and are being sent to our scheduler and it's all very stressful. I wouldn't mind working over there except that it would mean I would have no dinner that week at all because I don't have a locker to put my food in and cafeterias close before dinner. Bitches.

It's sort of rainy today. Luckily it's not currently raining, as I am standing outside waiting for a bus, and that means that it's just delightfully cloudy out here.

I want to buy a Top Gear duvet and Christine is all, start with a tshirt, and I'm all, BUT I WANT THAT TOO. It's really awesome and has the Stig on it and the pillow is his helmet and I also want the Stig facts poster and a ferrari. Cool story bro.

What else... I haven't updated in awhile because space noodles. Also my life is filled with logic.
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