27 October 2013

I feel abandoned by Christine

I've been sending her pictures and fun stories because I am delightful, but she hasn't responded in several days.

1. She could not have Internet because they are in Germany.
2. She might be sick and unable to form coherent things to say to me.
3. What if she hates me and/or is kidnapped never to be seen again.

We worry.

This time the we is not me, it's me and Molly and Teddy.

18 October 2013

Living with the space invaders

Teddy and Molly
These puppies are all, we want to sit by you, no we want to sit on you, no you put your legs up right, and then we'll lay on them and feel like we're hanging in mid air, no you lay down in bed and then we'll slowly creepy towards you and push you off the bed basically.

They love me.

They look like Pokemon in that picture. I'm good with it, I've been playing a lot of Pokemon with them. We have two badges already.

17 October 2013

They're taking turns watching me

Should I feel scared or watched over in like, a protective way?

15 October 2013

I'm puppy sitting

So far the puppies have sat on me one time each.

11 October 2013

I just, why, life

I forgot to get up this morning. I don't mean I slept in or ignored my alarm, I mean I just forgot to get up and then it was 1 and my dad was home and he was all, 'did you get a good night's sleep?' and I was all, no, actually, last night was horrible. I heard him get up and treadmill it up and go to work and then I continued to not be able to sleep well.

I don't really want to go to the party tonight. I'm sure it'll be fun once we're there and I'm with friends, and it will be good to do something not depressing.

I applied to volunteer three different places, wait listed for one and haven't heard back from the other 2. It's a sad day when I'm worried about being accepted as a volunteer. Still unemployed.