23 February 2011

People shouldn't smoke at the bus stop

What would y'all do if I stopped blogging and didn't start talking to you on gmail chat? I would be like, dead to you. Just saying.

Nothing new to report, just going to work.

This just in, the bus makes that noise that Willy Wonka's everlasting gobstopper machine makes in the original movie. It's a little frightening, like we're all gonna die. Or the bus is gonna stop working so I don't get to work, which is worse.

OMG, we left so late from Vista, I am barely going to make it, if I even do still. We had to switch buses, and the driver likes to just not leave when we switch buses, so we sat there for 15 minutes.
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22 February 2011

what is this i dont even

So I'm going on break and I walk past the lake and hear Under the Sea and see these light up boat float things and I'm like, I work here and didn't know our lake had this show what even.
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In which Mary doesn't pack dinner and anticipates weeping at work

I think I've decided to name my blog posts like that often because it's fun for me. Can't be tamed.gif

I'm at the bus stop, I'm always at the bus stop, and I realised that I don't have any food with me and the cafeteria closes at 6 but I won't get my dinner break till 7ish.


I'm meeting my aunt, uncle and cousins after work tomorrow at the Magic Kingdom. I work 10:30-6 tomorrow after working til midnight today, so that's going to be really fun I'm sure. Ded.

I'm sure you knew that's when I work though because I put my schedule on google calendar. :)

Do you know what the most adorable thing ever is? Children from other countries. When they speak other languages to their parents and then english with me and then they mix them, it's so great. Or english accents on little kids, those are awesome.
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21 February 2011

In which Mary wants to swear but has no words

I got off work at midnight and then walked to the bus stop. (I attempted to call Christine but she hates me) I got to the bus stop at 12:15 and sat to wait by some people who had been waiting for the 12:08 bus that didn't come. The next time was 12:28, but that bus didn't come either so the girl I was sitting by borrowed my bus schedule and called them to ask what was going on, but they didn't know nor care. The 12:48 bus did show up, but we left a little early, which means whoever is hoping to make this bus is screwed.

I also think we're skipping the Magic Kingdom stop because we appear to be going the opposite direction. Not like I'm going there, but they need to be picked up too.

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19 February 2011

Going to work, super early

I'm by the bus stop at 3, and I don't work til 5, but I need to get to costuming and switch out my costumes for clean ones. I have three dresses wadded up in my bag and it's kinda heavy. Also, my pb&j is getting smooshed. Sigh.

It's hot out here, I could probably wear not jeans, like shorts or capris, but we all know that's not going to happen.

There are suspicious noises coming from the bush behind me.

It's a bird.

I might have a bird stalker.

Christine, save me!

Edit: I am at work super early because I got a ride to work with a guy who works here at the Polynesian. He was at the bus stop but when it looked like the bus was having issues and we were going to be delayed he decided to drive and offered me a ride. He has a girlfriend people, he's just a friend, thought you ought to know that. But anyway, that was nice of him.

I put my work schedule on google calendar for as far as I have it while I was waiting here for work to start. I got here over an hour early, even after I had gone to costuming, picked up four new dresses and put them in my locker.
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17 February 2011

I'm going to Animal Kingdom

By my apartment I heard a mockingbird, and I loved it because it was making a whole bunch of different bird sounds and then started in on car alarms. It was adorable.

I'm waiting for a bus to take me to Animal Kingdom, which I have not made it to yet. It closes at 6, so that's depressing, but I'm putting off things til tonight so I can go today.

I'm scared of this bus because I don’t know where it will let me off, and I don't want to us a cast entrance because I look like a child today.

I really need to do laundry.
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In which Mary stops hulking and starts sulking

I saw lots of you on the computer today and it was pretty. Someone needs to tell Lisa about this blog. That someone could be me, but you know how prompt I am at things. Like vlogging. I'M WORKING ON IT. Anyway, it was lovely seeing some of you.

So, I didn't work today, so I went shopping and bought things at the cast only places for 75% off, and things that have the Disney College Program on them.

Y'all need to stop bugging me about CJ, we don't like CJ, he was nice and all, but we don't have anything in common. He likes to go clubbing. Come one people, I would much rather actually be friends with Australian boy or the very nice people I met on the bus today that invited me to the Hoop De Doo Revue, but they must not have been able to get reservations because they did not text me saying they did. I have met so many more people than this one person you have latched onto.

I LOVE ARMADILLOS THOUGH. It's so weird, I've never seen an armadillo before, and now I've seen 5, and they all stay in the same areas, so I guess they have like, a territory that they stay in.

I don't know what else I need to tell you.

Christine, that bird really was adorable though.

I've been walking to the bus stop from work at midnight by myself lately, so I've called Christine and my sister once so I don't feel so alone in the dark. Sometimes that leads to rambling.

I need to mail thingssssssss.

Is this moving? It's supposed to move and is awesome.

If you have questions for me, like, what I'm doing, or, how cloudy it is, or anything, you can comment here or ask me or anything, seeing how you can actually call or text me cause it's not like I'm in Ireland or anything.

OH, I haven't addressed the title of this post. I randomly and irrationally got super angry inside while eating dinner at Captain Cooks and starting hulking at Christine and Sarah. Then I turned super sulky because I didn't want to get up and walk to the bus stop because it was far away.

I got a Deadpool comic book collection in the mail to day and it's pretty and I loves it. "I don't know what that is Mary." I hear you saying to me. To that I say, whatever, I don't care, I still loves it. It's comics guys.

12 February 2011

In which Mary does what she does best: procrastinate

So here I am, eating pudding, wishing I had got more done, but being all, meh, because I'm not bovvered.

I went to the store, that was good right? But then I forgot to get milk, which apparently we need, so that's fun.

I vlogged some, but it's not done, so have fun waiting for that.

I did not do mail stuff. I wanted to do mail stuff, but did not. It's hard.

The internet buffers video super slowly, so it takes me forever to watch things, for instance, last night's Supernatural that I have been trying to watch all day.

I have to work in the morning, 8:30, so I guess I have to keep normal time tonight with the eating and going to bed and all, but seeing how it's 6:14 and I haven't eaten dinner, but I did have pudding, normal is not exactly what's going to happen.

BTW, you probably don't want to eat a quesadilla while watching a Fringe episode where people's skin melts like cheese. Yeah...

11 February 2011

Morocco is the most awkward country

And I didn't buy my fez. But I took a picture of Aladdin in a book.
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oh dear lord I was almost stranded forever

I decided to ask where the college program buses were at Epcot, turns out I should've just taken the monorail and done stuff like I was used to because this is so scary. So lost, you don't even know.

My head hurts a lot, but it is awkward sitting here, so I'm going to tell you about my day:

I went to Epcot.

I went to Captain EO, Figment's Journey into the Imagination, Test Track, walked around the world, American Adventure, ate dinner in China, went to O Canada, bought some stuff, went on Spaceship Earth, and am now lost completely, but I think where I am is the bus stop.


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09 February 2011

Because I know how much you care:

My dinner tonight was a bunch of chocolate at 3, and then a small stack of Pringles at 8:15. I have yet to decide if I am going to add to that and it is 12:27, but am currently waiting for a bus since the one that is here and scheduled has broken and is sitting there taunting us. Weep.
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So you know how I was, like, a night person?

I work till midnight tonight and tomorrow, and the inside of the Polynesian is dimly lit by lanterns at night, so I'm all yawny yawn and it's bad. True story.

So I was walking from my apartment to the bus stop, which I am standing at right now, awkwardly 3.5 meters from a couple making out, and I always walk straight, turn left, and walk straight out of the complex in like a L shape, but today I was like, "eff this" so I walked across some parking lots and between some apartment buildings in a more direct path. Now that is a good story, right? I felt powerful though.
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08 February 2011

I work a lot

And I work the strangest hours too.

You know the 10 carts that were outside my apartment? There are now only 2, so either someone took them back, doubtful, or they are cannibalistic carts, much more likely.

I bought pins of my own now so I can trade pins with cast members, namely myself. I traded some of my pins for ones on my work lanyard, so now I has 3 Star Wars pins on my work lanyard that I hope people want cause I don't.

Bus, y u no here?

I see it, it's late though.
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05 February 2011

Let's try this again

I don't work today, and I fully intend to actually do my plan of shopping, but I'm starting in Hollywood Studios today, a little Tower of Terror and whatnot, shopping, then Magic Kingdom shopping. Perhaps actually going to Epcot for dinner this time. I don't know. I just got groceries yesterday so I could eat at home too.

Don't you guys even get started, I have no news of CJ. He went to Hollywood Studios yesterday, and I don't know what he's doing today.
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04 February 2011

Went to the Magic Kingdom

Nbd, just went over to the Magic Kingdom with my new friend CJ. He had never been to the park before, so I showed him around. We went on Space Mountain, walked through Toon Town, since it's going to be destroyed in like three days, then we went to PhilharMagic, Small World, Big Thunder Mountain, Pirates of Caribbean, and Jungle Cruise. We then got food and watched the Electrical Street Parade, the Castle projection show thing, and then the fireworks show Wishes.

Ah, I have to work in the morning. Weep.

I need to go to the store and buy food. Weep.

I didn't do any of the shopping I was going to do today at the park. I was going to buy all my stuff now while I still get the holiday discount, and still need to do that because I went on the rides instead today.

So, when I told Christine about my day, this is what she said: "YOU DO REALIZE THIS IS LIKE, A SUPER ADORABLE STORY FULL OF ADORABLENESS AND AWESOME"

I am still a little wary of that definition of my day, but I thought you'd appreciate it.

Oh, I need to mention that I met CJ while on the bus I was taking to go to the Polynesian to get my costumes changed before I took the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom, and that he came to the costuming building with me because we were having a good conversation. I'm sure Christine will tell you more if you ask her. So will I, I guess.

03 February 2011

my first day off


So, I don't work today, finally, and am currently on a bus to go to my resort so I can get some new changes of costume, put them in my work locker, and then head to the Magic Kingdom to do some shopping.

Sad news, I tried to send a postcard, I have it right here, but I can't find the mail building, so I'll do that later. Sigh. (Lyndsey, I don't have your address btdubs)

I can't decide what to do for dinner, because I don't think I want any Magic Kingdom food. I might go to Epcot... I know a good Chinese place that has red bean ice cream I really like.

I don't understand Portuguese at all. Tis confusing.

Work yesterday was really pretty good. My managers are really funny. One of them wants there to be a mashed potato and martini bar at her funeral. The more you know...

Today is the Chinese New Year! I really should go to Epcot for dinner! You're not supposed to do a lot of things on the Chinese New Year, like cut things, wash things, break things, no cleaning at all, including hair and the like. Heh, yeah, no.

This guy on the bus yesterday was like, "Hi, I see you have the Droid R2-D2, I'm from Puerto Rico, talking talking talking." He was nice.
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