22 July 2014

Goodbye Lucky Puppy

 Last week my 16 yr 8 mo puppy starting urinating blood in the house because she had a kidney infection. The antibiotics helped stop the blood, but her kidney and bladder were badly damaged due to her age.
 On Monday my parents took Lucky into the vet knowing that there was nothing they could do for her, though they did ask.
 So Monday around noon Lucky was peacefully put down while I sat at work.
 I haven't been able to tell people at work because I wouldn't be able to rehash it as many times as I would have to.
 And though I was supposed to go home yesterday for dinner, I couldn't go there with her gone, so I ate at my house and my mom and sister came over later to watch a movie.
 I know Lucky had a happy, long life. She was my baby and I miss her, but I am glad she is not in pain, confused and scared as she was starting to be.
Thank you, Lucky, for being the best dog in the whole wide world.