27 January 2011

I live at Disney nowwwwwww

Alright, so yesterday was the big day of moving in and being all, omg I’m moving to Disney. That’s assuming that I get wifi working today so I don’t post this tomorrow. Wednesday, the 26th, was the big day.

Showed up at Vista Way apartments at 9 and stood in lots of lines to sign in and stuff, got an apartment key to a two bedroom, four people apartment in Patterson Court, and then took a bus to Casting at which point I never saw my parents again because Casting takes forever and they had a plane to catch. At Casting we saw lots of people just showing up to apply to work at Disney. It was kind of funny because there were over 200 of us being all, we are working here now, and they were like, waiting in line, trying to apply.

Yeah, so, officially working in Merchandise at the Polynesian. Still don’t have my nametag or costume; I’ll get the nametag tomorrow when I take Traditions, and the costume Saturday and/or Sunday when I go to train both days at 8:30.

Today I have a meeting about Housing at 9:45 at the Commons, which is an apartment complex near here, but I don’t know exactly where so that will be fun. My roommates had the same meeting last night, so I’m walking alone today.

ROOMMATES: they are very nice. Three girls who know each other from school, someplace in Indiana.


So, this morning we had a housing meeting, it was boring, rules, what, stuff, ah, but in the room there are these giant, cheesy pictures of cast members posing, or characters or whatever, and one of them, in the center of the presentation area, was Sassy Gay Friend making a kid laugh with his lifeguard whistle. His nametag said Vanessa… but it was definitely Sassy Gay Friend.

Batman and Superman being friends is really strange to me.

I miss my interwebs.

My roommates are all gone. I don’t know where they are. Gone gone gone.

I ate crackers with melted cheese for lunch. And chex mix stuff. And now I’m watching Superman try to beat up this robot thing with kryptonite in it. Batman’s gonna save him any minute. Yep, there he is. SUPERMAN IS GOING TO DIE!

It’s weird because Superman is dressed as Superman, and Batman is dressed as Batman, but they call each other Bruce and Clark. Actually, Batman never calls Superman anything, so I don’t even. They are now supporting each other and talking about their favorite villains. They are besties.


You know how I feel about Batman.


Aw, Superman was just like, “that was my best friend, and you just killed him,” and now we’re all *weep* about Batman.


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