01 June 2011

Look at the Lovely Flowers

Don't they make you want to just punch someone in the face? Oh, is that just me?

So, I'm deployed next week to Animal Kingdom Lodge, but my friend Betsy saw that on the schedule and asked me if I wanted to trade with her since she has been deployed there as much as she has worked at the Polynesian. I put in the request and the days that I would've been giving to her were denied, and the days that are just trading shift for shift are pending and are being sent to our scheduler and it's all very stressful. I wouldn't mind working over there except that it would mean I would have no dinner that week at all because I don't have a locker to put my food in and cafeterias close before dinner. Bitches.

It's sort of rainy today. Luckily it's not currently raining, as I am standing outside waiting for a bus, and that means that it's just delightfully cloudy out here.

I want to buy a Top Gear duvet and Christine is all, start with a tshirt, and I'm all, BUT I WANT THAT TOO. It's really awesome and has the Stig on it and the pillow is his helmet and I also want the Stig facts poster and a ferrari. Cool story bro.

What else... I haven't updated in awhile because space noodles. Also my life is filled with logic.
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