15 May 2013

And suddenly, Youtube won't let me sign in

   I've spent a lot of time recently "watching" youtube videos of LetsPlay, subsection of RoosterTeeth and amazing group of video game playing idiots. THAT's my ideal job. They get paid to play those games. Also come up with show ideas and produce and edit them and stuff, but I don't watch those because I basically only like them for their idiocy and greatness not their actual content. I've also knitted a whole bunch and recently I've been just looking at all my Likes on tumblr. Like half of them are from Band of Brothers. 10% make me sad, and then the last 40% are just funny things I don't reblog because I'm not sure my friends would find them funny. Not that that ever stops me in other endeavors, but sometimes I just don't reblog the compilation of British people touching their nose and pointing because I need to hoard it forever.

In other news, whatever it is that I'm coughing up, it's gross and I do not approve. Don't get sick, boys and girls. Also, you know you've blown your nose too much recently when a kleenex with blood in it does not surprise you.

The let's play of Minecraft makes me want to play Minecraft though. Looks cool. Probably more fun with friends though, seeing how the parts I love are when they play pranks on each other. They built a house with lava in the ceiling so that when their friend removed an odd block the house filled with lava and burnt to the ground. Another house, they set up blocks of water in the ceiling so that when they flipped a switch the house flooded and it was great. And the entire city is built on top of layers of dynamite so randomly their whole place explodes.

I get passionate about things for temporary periods of time, and apparently these guys playing video games is my current obsession. It's a bit more manageable than the Band of Brothers one was, THEY'RE JUST SUCH GREAT BROS, IT MAKES ME WANT TO CALL THEM NAMES.

Can I stay unemployed forever? That sounds great. I don't want to work, sounds responsible and stuff. Though, if I don't get the one job I've applied for I'm going to probably freak out a bit because I haven't really thought about where else I want to work. I don't even know if I WANT to work there, I just know I need a job and it's not a bad place and stuff.

I got bored of knitting today and remembered that I want to get back to writing, but also I need to write thank yous for graduation and also there are tons of books I have started or have been meaning to read. I also enjoy sleeping. There isn't enough time for all this laziness. My only excuse for now is that I mostly feel like dying because breathing is hard and everything aches. The medicine that helps me feel better tastes like horrible horrible blueberries that are trying to poison me. Why does medicine always taste like it's trying to kill you?

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