25 February 2012

You know, I hadn't actually watched anything Lee Pace was in

Except Pushing Daisies, of course, but not all of that because I suck. But he's famous for The Fall, which I still haven't watched, but it looks lovely on Tumblr. I say all this because I am currently finishing up Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and it's adorable.

Why do I always end up watching movies that aren't even on my list of things I want to watch? Every time. I make these lists so that I remember that these are things people talk about or that look good, but then when I go to watch things it's something random that I saw one reference to once so I decide to watch it. For Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day it was the quote about needing the ice pick for murder, not ice.

SIMILARLY, not really but it reminded me, I was talking to a girl in my English class, because I do that, I'm sociable, and we were talking about the story, and I told her that the moment where the woman in the story went to the store to buy arsenic was the moment when I decided I liked the story because I happen to love arsenic. She thought she had misheard me, because she thought I said that I loved arsenic, and I do. I happen to really like arsenic, it's my fave.

Um, my ankle is leaking... is this normal?

Also, should I be more careful about my opinions and stuff I type at 2 in the morning? Because the German commenter yesterday does not like me existing. Seriously though? How the hell do people find this? And why would they care what I say? I do not claim to be a real blogger. MY BACKGROUND IS LITERALLY A RANDOM REPEATING PICTURE OF A ROBIN. I AM JUST THAT QUALITY.

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