I forgot what day it was. Did I write yesterday? I could look on the front page of this blog, sure, but now I'm already writing so you're just going to have to deal with my confusion. Parents are coming home today anyway so it doesn't matter anymore.
I've been watching a lot of Dragnet and Animaniacs. Can't bring myself to start the new season of Perception or catch up on any of the current shows that I know I like, but Sgt. Friday and Officer Gannon are great and I want to watch this all the time. Would you believe, there's even an episode of Supernatural that I haven't seen?
I've been running around the house trying to make sure everything is done and nice for when my mom comes home. What's going to happen is I'm going to think everything is done and then she's going to ask an innocent question about something I was supposed to do but forgot about. I can see it now. Eh, I can blame everything on the fact they left me with a broken dishwasher full of dishes.
Ok ok ok, so, I have 2 NaNoWriMos started and abandoned because, hey, procrastinator, but I had a thought about one of them so I can improve and add to it, but seriously, I'll never be able to write a book in a month. November can suck it.
And by that I mean, 1 gnomes, and 2 the trailer for season three of Sherlock is out.
Oh oh oh you know what show is the best though? The Waltons. They have a peacock named Rover and a peahen named Ruby and they're just a great family. CHRISTINE you might like it don't even. They're all bros and they help each other out all the time.